Supply of Components.

We invite Sealed Tenders for the following items

Sl #: Item/Description Qty
1 Mounted Achromatic Half-wave Plate
Specification: Wave-length range 400-800nm, clear aperture 10mm, mounted diameter 25.4mm(1")
1 No
2 Microscope Objective (Plan APO infinity Corrected Long WD Objective)
Specification: Primary Magnification lOX, NA 0.28, WD 33.5mm, FL: 20mm
1 No
3 Mounted Round Variable Neutral Density Filter
Specifications: Wave-length range 400-800nm, Optical density 0-2
1 No
4 Polarizing Beam splitter cube
Specifications: Wave-length 420-680nm, cube size: 1"x1"x1"
1 No
5 Polarizing Beam splitter cube
Specifications: Wave-length 600-1000nm, cube size: 1"x1"x1"
1 No

Tender Notice