Listing tenders 901 - 925 of 2896

title Category Last Date
Supply of fume hoods, ducting system Purchase 2021-04-28
Vertical extension to required panels of exisitng volleyball court fencing Administration 2021-04-23
Supply of Upright Biomedical Freezer Purchase 2021-04-14
Supply of Hight Field (20 Tesla) Magenetic Mini Coil Purchase 2021-04-08
Supply of Automatic DNA/RNA extraction machine Purchase 2021-04-07
Finishing works of roads in academic area Administration 2021-04-06
Supply of Magnetic Stirrers Purchase 2021-04-03
Furnishing of lecture hall complex Administration 2021-03-31
Supply of 2D Material Crystals Purchase 2021-03-30
Supply of High Purity Gold Wire for Physical Vapour deposition Purchase 2021-03-30
Day to day maintenance and repair works in IISER Thiruvananthapuram campus Administration 2021-03-29
Supply of Laptop Notebook Purchase 2021-03-29
Development and marking of outdoor volleyball court playing surface Administration 2021-03-24
Supply of Desktop computer Purchase 2021-03-22
Supply of Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge Purchase 2021-03-15
Supply of clean room decontamination units Purchase 2021-03-15
Tender for painting works in agasthya hall of residence building Administration 2021-03-12
Supply of Source Measure Units Purchase 2021-03-11
Providing transport serives to IISER Thiruvananthapuram Administration 2021-03-10
Supply of Thermal Imaging Camera and Accessories Purchase 2021-03-03
Rate contract for continues supply of Gases Purchase 2021-02-26
Supply of Gases and Cylinders Purchase 2021-02-25
Supply and Installation of Magnetic hot plate stirrer Purchase 2021-02-25
Supply and Installation of Cryotemperature (-90o) Immersion Cooler Purchase 2021-02-25
Supply of Workstation Purchase 2021-02-23