The study of the effects of competing interactions, more commonly called "frustration", is one of the important themes in research on magnetic systems. In this talk I will present some aspects of this diverse subject using my work on a selection of lattice models. I will begin with a study of the ground state phase diagram of a frustrated mixed-spin ladder with spin-1/2 and spin-1 rungs alternating with each other. Frustration induces phase transitions between four different ground states : two paramagnetic and two different partially magnetised phases. In a closely related model with all spins the same, I will demonstrate the existence of (exactly solvable) magnetisation plateaus connected by jumps which appear through an interplay of frustration and a magnetic field. Finally, I will discuss our ongoing efforts to study the spin-1/2 nearest neighbour antiferromagnet on the Kagome lattice using Contractor Renormalisation (CORE). I will outline the technical challenges involved in using a large (12 site) building block and present a method to compute the spectra of reasonably large system sizes (up to 36 spin-1/2 sites) with modest computational resources.
AnnouncementAdmission to the IISER BS-MS program, 2025