Young achievers - IISER TVM Faculties

Dupont Young Professor award for IISER TVM faculty

Dr. Ravi Maruthachalam of the School of Biology has been selected as a 2014 Dupont Young Professor.

click here for details

Young Associateship of the Indian Academy of Sciences for IISER TVM faculties

Dr. R S Swathi and Dr. Ullasa Kodandaramaiah of IISER TVM have been selected as the Young Associates of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.

APA prize for IISER TVM faculty

Dr. Mahesh Hariharan of the School of Chemistry has been awarded the Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association (APA) prize for young scientists for the year 2014.

Published : 07-08-2014 07:10 AM, Updated : 07-08-2014 07:10 AM