PhD Students from School of Chemistry has won the Poster Prizes in the conferences

Mr. Murali Golla, graduate student in Dr. Reji Varghese’s group, School of Chemistry, IISER TVM has been awarded the best poster prize in the 9th Chemical Frontiers, 17-20 August 2017, Goa, India. The prize consists of a certificate and a cash award.

Mr. Purna Chandra Rao, graduate student in Dr. Sukhendu Mandal’s group, School of Chemistry, IISER TVM has been awarded the best poster prize in the 24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography Hyderabad International Convention Centre 21-28 August 2017, Hyderabad, India. The prize sponsored by Springer Nature under the theme of ‘Materials’ consist of a certificate and an ebook voucher worth EUR 300.

Ms. Remya Ramakrishnan, graduate student in Dr. Mahesh Hariharan’s group, School of Chemistry, IISER TVM has been awarded the best poster prize in the 24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography Hyderabad International Convention Centre 21-28 August 2017, Hyderabad, India. The prize sponsored by authors of “Crystal Engineering – A Textbook”, for describing crystal engineering studies consist of a certificate and a copy of the book “Crystal Engineering – A Textbook”.

Published : 30-08-2017 11:26 AM, Updated : 30-08-2017 11:26 AM