M.Sc. Admission Oct 2021 - Information to MSc Screening test takers

Information to all candidates eligible for writing the screening test

Visit the advertisement page for more details like syllabi etc.
  1. Screening tests for each subject will be as per the following schedule on Saturday, 11th September 2021:
    1. 09.00-10.30 - Biology
    2. 11.00-12.30 - Chemistry
    3. 14.00-15.30 - Mathematics
    4. 16.00-17.30 - Physics
    Applicants to each of the four MSc programmes (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics) will have to write the screening test only in their respective subjects
  2. The exams will be conducted online through the "Eklavvya" online exam delivery and proctoring system (see https://www.eklavvya.in/). The system and network requirements for taking the examination online are given below as point no. 9.
  3. You will receive an email and SMS in the address and phone number you have entered in the application form on 10th September 2021 giving you the login credentials and other details for accessing the test on the Eklavvya system at the scheduled time.
  4. You must login to the system half an hour before the test for ID verification.
  5. You will have to show your ID to the proctor through your webcam and only after the ID is verified will the proctor allow you to start the test at the scheduled time. Acceptable IDs with clear photographs are
    1. Aadhar Card
    2. Passport
    3. Driver’s licence
    4. PAN card
  6. The exam can be attempted at the scheduled time by the candidate from her/his home, workplace etc. provided a quiet environment with no distractions or disturbances from other people can be ensured.
  7. The remote proctor will be alerted if you are seen to be looking away from the camera many times, if your face is not visible at all times, if the AI system detects additional faces etc. The system or the proctor has the ability to pause or stop your examination in case malpractice is suspected.
  8. Arranging the required devices, internet connection, bandwidth etc. for taking the online exam is the sole responsibility of the candidate and IISER TVM will not be in any way responsible for difficulties in taking the screening test due to technical issues attributable to the candidate’s side.
  9. The basic requirements of taking the test online are as follows:
    1. Personal Laptop or Desktop computer (with working camera) in working condition with good quality.
    2. The test can also be taken on a mobile phone or tablet but typically a better view of the questions, and easier entry of responses is possible on a larger screen with a keyboard and mouse/trackpad.
    3. Stable and reliable Internet connection of at least 1mbps speed
    4. Latest Google Chrome Internet Browser (pre-installed on your device)
  10. Other general instructions for taking the test are as follows:
    1. For Candidate:
      1. Please test your Webcam here (Kindly test this link in Google Chrome browser only) : Webcam Test (https://assessment.eklavvya.com/Student/webcamtest)
      2. The light should be good enough in the room where a candidate is appearing the exam (There should be sufficient light on the candidate's face to make it visible to the camera). Otherwise both initial photo capture as well as ID verification will FAIL.
      3. Webcam quality should be good. A candidate can check with above share link in point no.1
  11. Important Instructions (Before Examination):
    1. Test your computer or laptop (which you intend to use for taking the screening test) before the exam to ensure that it is working well, processing speed is good, and the camera and microphone are working perfectly. (NOTE: You will not be able to appear for the exam if the web-camera attached with your system is not functional).
    2. Candidates are requested to disable antivirus updates/windows updates etc. before the test because the system will treat this as an alert warning.
    3. If any candidate appears for the test through mobile, any phone calls or any other notifications during the test will considered as a warning/alert
    4. Candidate using a mobile hotspot:- In apple computers I-phones may be synched so that you get calls on the laptop too. In case such calls come the system will show a warning alert and maybe your exam will get suspended and the message will be shown that your exam is suspended due to malpractice.
Published : 06-09-2021 09:22 PM, Updated : 08-09-2021 12:05 PM