Mathematics Symposium on 3rd March 2012

To celebrate the National Mathematical year, the School of Mathematics at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram (IISER TVM) has planned One-day symposium for undergraduate and graduate students in Mathematics with the aim to motivate them in research.
Date & Venue: 03/03/2012 (Saturday), CEETA Hall
09:00 hrs - 09:15 hrs - Inauguration by Professor E D Jemmis
09:15 hrs - 10:15 hrs - Professor Alladi Sitaram (IISc Bangalore) on Fourier series and the isoperimetric problem
10:15 hrs - 10:45 hrs - Tea Break
10:45 hrs - 11:45 hrs - Professor R Balasubramanian (IMSc Chennai). Title - TBA
11:45 hrs - 12:00 hrs - Break
12:00 hrs - 12:45 hrs - Panel Discussion on Research Opportunities in Mathematics
12:45 hrs - 14:00 hrs - Lunch Break
14:00 hrs - 15:00 hrs - Professor G Rangarajan (IISc Bangalore) on Chaos, Synchronization and Extinction of Species
Published : 06-08-2014 10:36 AM, Updated : 06-08-2014 10:36 AM