Dr. D. V. Senthilkumar's recent review article has been accepted in Physics Reports

Congratulations to Dr Senthilkumar, School of Physics, whose recent work has been accepted for publication in the prestigious review journal Physics Reports.

Rhythmic behavior represents one of the most striking and ubiquitous manifestations of functional evolution for a wide class of natural and man-made systems. The emergence of diverse (ar)rhythmic dynamics can be well understood by models of coupled dynamical networks, where the interplay between the intrinsic dynamics of the constituent units and the coupling functions plays a critical role in facilitating a vast repertoire of collective behaviors. Under certain circumstances, all the individual dynamical systems may cease their oscillations totally when coupled, which results in the emergence of oscillation quenching in coupled oscillatory systems.

Macroscopic oscillations of coupled dynamical networks can also be gradually weakened and even completely quenched via aging transition. Oscillation reviving, an inverse process of quenching and aging, refers to the restoration of rhythmic activity of coupled dynamical networks from the phenomena of quenching and aging. The study on quenching, aging, and reviving of rhythmic behaviors in coupled dynamical networks have been developed as an active and rapidly evolving area of research with a wide variety of applications, where tremendous progresses with vital insights have been witnessed in the last decade. In this review, we have provide an exhaustive overview on the most important aspects of quenching, aging, and reviving in coupled dynamical networks ranging from theories to experiments and applications.

Title: Quenching, aging, and reviving in coupled dynamical networks

Authors: Wei Zou, D. V. Senthilkumar, Meng Zhang, and Juergen Kurths

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0370157321002799

Published : 23-07-2021 03:36 PM, Updated : 25-07-2021 09:27 AM