Listing News 551 - 575 of 790

title category Published on
Payment of Fee - Varsha 2015 Announcement 10-07-2015
IISER TVM invites applications for the posts of Deputy Registrar and Superintendent Announcement 06-07-2015
Candidates provisionally selected in School of Physics for Admission to PhD program starting August 2015 Announcement 27-06-2015
PhD Admissions August 2015: Candidates Provisionally Selected for Admission to the School of Chemistry Announcement 26-06-2015
Selected candidates for the Ph. D. admission in the School of Biology for August 2015 Announcement 26-06-2015
Candidates shortlisted for second round of interview for PhD Admission 2015 in the School of Biology Announcement 25-06-2015
International YOGA Day Program Announcement 21-06-2015
List of Candidates Provisionally selected for the PhD Programme in Mathematics commencing August 2015 Announcement 13-06-2015
List of Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates for interview for PhD program starting in August 2015 Announcement 12-05-2015
The third convocation of IISER Trivandrum was held on May 30, 2015 Announcement 11-05-2015
Candidates selected provisionally for Int.PhD Aug 2015 in the School of Physics Announcement 01-05-2015
IISER TVM signed MoU with National University of Singapore Announcement 23-04-2015
Interview for the Int. PhD programme in Physics, 2015 Announcement 13-04-2015
List of shortlisted candidates for Summer Visiting Programme-2015 Announcement 08-04-2015
Applications are open for PhD program 2015 Announcement 02-04-2015
IISER TVM faculty has been awarded with distinguished lectureship Announcement 30-03-2015
Applications are open for Integrated PhD Program 2015 in Physics Announcement 24-03-2015
Institute Post-doctoral Fellowship (IPF) Programme at IISER TVM Announcement 17-03-2015
Candidates selected for int. Ph.D. programme commencing from August 2015. Announcement 09-03-2015
Applications are open for the Summer Visiting Programme 2015 Announcement 15-02-2015
Dr. Archana Pai; a joint recipient of the N R Sen Young Researcher Award 2015 Announcement 04-02-2015
Walk in Interview for Technical Officer on Short term Contract basis Announcement 30-01-2015
Shortlisted candidates for IPhD entrance examination Announcement 28-01-2015
Republic Day Celebration Announcement 27-01-2015
IISER TVM Faculty Members Wins Kerala State Young Scientist Award Announcement 19-01-2015