Principle Investigators:
- SaFe VRU: A 5G-UWB Technology and Deep Learning-Based Safety Framework for Vulnerable Road Users
- Sponsored Agency: ARTPARK-IISc Bangalore, India.
- Real-Time Location System using UWB
- Sponsored Agency: Bosch (BGSW), Bangalore, India.
Co-Principle Investigators:
- Multiscale Modeling of deformation behaviour of carbon fiber reinforced high-end thermoplastics.
- Sponsored Agency: DST
- Collaborating University: National University of Science & Technology, Russia
- Integrated telecommunication solutions for Internet of Things.
- Sponsored by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil.
- PI: Prof. Joel Rodrigues
- Strategic IoT Solutions for Health, Smart Cities and Renewable Energies.
- Sponsored by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil
- PI: Prof. Joel Rodrigues