Dr Suraj S Hegde
Assistant Professor Grade I (Physics)
  +91 (0)471 - 2778367
  1. Suraj S. Hegde, Toni Ehmcke, and Tobias Meng, Edge-selective extremal damping from topological heritage in dissipative Chern insulators, Physical Review Letters 131, 256601, 2023.
  2. A. Haller, S. Hegde, C. Xu, C. D. Beule, T. L. Schmidt, and T. Meng, “Black hole mirages: Electron lensing and Berry curvature effects in inhomogeneously tilted Weyl semimetals,” SciPost Physics, vol. 14, 2023.
  3. V. Subramanyan, Suraj S. Hegde, B. Bradlyn, and S. Vishveshwara, Physics of the Inverted Harmonic Oscillator: From the lowest Landau level to event horizons, Annals of Physics Volume 435, Part 2, 168470, 2021, (Invited article for a special issue in honor of P. W. Anderson.)
  4. Fangzhao Alex An, Karmela Padavic, Eric J. Meier, Suraj S. Hegde, Sriram Ganeshan, J. H. Pixley, Smitha Vishveshwara, and Bryce Gadway, Observation of tunable mobility edges in generalized Aubry-Andre lattices, Physical Review Letters. 126, 040603, 2021 (Editors suggestion).
  5. Suraj S. Hegde, V. Subramanyan, B. Bradlyn, and S. Vishveshwara, Quasi-normal modes, Hawking-Unurh effect in quantum Hall effect: Lessons from black hole scattering, Physical Review Letters 123, 156802, 2019.

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