Dr Souvik Paul
Assistant Professor Grade I (Physics)
  +91 (0)471 - 2778338

see https://sites.google.com/view/souvikpaul-cmslab for more details.

Peer-reviewed journals:

  1. "Tuning magnetic interactions of Co and 4d transition-metal atomic bilayers on Re(0001) via interface engineering", Souvik Paul and Stefan Heinze, Physical Review B 109, 064417 (2024).
  2. “Electric field driven stability control of skyrmions in an ultrathin transition-metal film”, Souvik Paul and Stefan Heinze, npj Comput. Mater. 8, 105 (2022)
  3. “Stacking-Dependent Spin Interactions in Pd/Fe Bilayers on Re(0001), Wenbin Li*, Souvik Paul*, Kirsten von Bergmann, Stefan Heinze, and Roland Wiesendanger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 227205 (2020) [* joint first authorship]
  4. “Role of higher-order exchange interactions for skyrmions stability” Souvik Paul, Soumyajyoti Haldar, Stephan von Malottki and Stefan Heinze, Nat. Commun. 11, 4756 (2020) | Featured in Phys.org
  5. “Tailoring magnetic interactions in atomic bilayers of Rh and Fe on Re(0001)”, Souvik Paul and Stefan Heinze, Phys. Rev. B 101, 104408 (2020)
  6. “Investigation of the spectral properties and magnetism of BiFeO3 by dynamical mean field theory”, Souvik Paul et al., Phys. Rev. B 97, 125120 (2018)
  7. “First-principles study of the lattice instabilities in Mn2NiX (X= Al, Ga, In, Sn) magnetic shape memory alloys”, Souvik Paul, Biplab Sanyal and Subhradip Ghosh, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 27, 035401 (2015)
  8. “Anti-site disorder and improved functionalities of Mn2NiX (X= Al, Ga, In, Sn) alloys with inverse Heusler structure”, Souvik Paul, Ashis Kundu, Biplab Sanyal and Subhradip Ghosh, J. Appl. Phys. 116, 133903 (2014)
  9. “Emergence of spin spiral magnetic order in Mn based inverse Heusler alloys”, Souvik Paul, Subhradip Ghosh and Biplab Sanyal, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 26, 196004 (2014)
  10. “Effects of chemical disorder on magnetism in inverse Heusler alloy Mn2NiSn”, Souvik Paul and Subhradip Ghosh, AIP Conf. Proc. 1512, 1258 (2013)
  11. “Magnetic properties of Mn2NiSn shape memory alloy”, Souvik Paul, Biplab Sanyal and Subhradip Ghosh, J . Phys.: Condens. Matter 25 236005 (2013)
  12. “First-principles investigations of the electronic structure and properties related to shape-memory behavior in Mn2NiX (X=Al, Ga, In, Sn) alloys”, Souvik Paul and Subhradip Ghosh, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 063523 (2011)
  13. “First-principles prediction of shape memory behavior and ferrimagnetism in Mn2NiSn”, Souvik Paul and Subhradip Ghosh, J . Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 206003 (2011)

Conference proceedings:

  1. “A Density Functional Theory based prediction of shape memory effect and magnetism in Mn2NiSn”, Souvik Paul, Biswanath Dutta and Subhradip Ghosh, Condensed Matter Days 2011, Gauhati University, Guwahati, India
  2. First-principles based investigation of the lattice dynamics in Ni0.50Pt0.50 ”, Biswanath Dutta, Souvik Paul and Subhradip Ghosh, Condensed Matter Days 2011, Gauhati University, Guwahati, India
Summary (Peer-reviewed journals only):
Journals Quantity Impact Factor
Nature Communications 1 17.69
npj Computational Materials 1 12.256
Physical Review Letters 1 9.185
Physical Review B 3 3.908
Journal of Applied Physics 2 2.877
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 4 2.745
AIP Conference Proceedings 1 0.402