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Dr Rajeev N Kini
Associate Professor (Physics)
  +91 (0)471 - 2778138
Book Chapter:
  1. Rajeev N. Kini* and Angelo Mascarenhas, "Effect of Bismuth alloying on the transport properties of the dilute bismide alloy, GaAs1-xBix", in Bismuth-Containing compounds, Springer Series in Materials Science, Volume 186, Eds. Handong Li, Zhiming M Wang, pp 181-200 (2013)
Peer Reviewed:
  1. Soumitra Hazra, Rabindranath Bag, Surjeet Singh, Rajeev N. Kini*, "Understanding the nature of charge density wave in Sr14Cu24O41 using terahertz and femtosecond spectroscopy " (Under review, May 2019)
  2. S. Sandeep and R N Kini*, "Phoniton in a GaAs-AlAs acoustic phonon cavity with a tunable two-level system", Semicond. Sci. Technol. 34, 075010 (2019)
  3. Prahalad Kanti Barman, Prasad V. Sarma, M. M. Shaijumon and R N Kini* "High degree of circular polarization in WS2 spiral nanostructures induced by broken symmetry", Sci. Rep 9, 2784 (2019)
  4. Rabindranath Bag, Soumitra Hazra, Rajeev N. Kini, Surjeet Singh*, "Excess specific heat from the gapped sliding phonon modes in the incommensurate composite crystal Sr14Cu24O41", Phys. Rev. B 99, 054305 (2019) arXiv:1808.00947
  5. Sathyan Sandeep, Sarah L Heywood, Richard Campion, Anthony J Kent, Rajeev N. Kini*, "Resonance of Terahertz phonons in an Acoustic nanocavity", Phys. Rev. B 98, 235303 (2018)
  6. C P Vaisakh, Mithun Kumar Bhowal, Sunanda Dhar and Rajeev N. Kini*, "Enhanced terahertz emission from Bi incorporated GaSb", J. Phys D, 51 065112 (2018)
  7. C P Vaisakh, C T Foxon, S V Novikov and R N Kini*, "Terahertz conductivity of the highly mismatched amorphous alloy, GaNBi", Semicond. Sci. Technol. 32 125009 (2017)
  8. Prasad V. Sarma, Prasanna Pattil, Prahalad Kanti Barman, Rajeev N. Kini and Manikoth M. Shaijumon*, "Controllable Growth of Few-layer Spiral WS2 " RSC Advances 6, 376 (2016)
  9. R S Joshya*, V Rajaji, Chandrabhas Narayana, A Mascarenhas, R N Kini* "Anharmonicity in light scattering by optical phonons in GaAs1-xBix" J. Appl. Phys 119, 205706 (2016);
  10. C. P. Vaisakh, A. Mascarenhas, and R N Kini*, "THz generation mechanisms in the semiconductor alloy, GaAs1-xBix", J. Appl. Phys 118, 165702 (2015)
  11. R S Joshya, A. J Ptak, R France, A Mascarenhas and R N Kini*, "Resonant state due to Bi in the dilute bismide alloy GaAs1−xBix" Phys Rev B. 90, 165203 (2014)
  12. R S Joshya, A. J Ptak, R France, A Mascarenhas and R N Kini*, "Coherent acoustic phonon generation in GaAs1-xBix" Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091903 (2014)
  13. B Fluegel*, R N Kini, A. J Ptak, D. Beaton, K. Alberi and A Mascarenhas, “Shubnikov-de Haas Measurement of Electron Effective Mass in GaAs1-xBix”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 162108 (2011)
  14. R N Kini*, A. J Ptak, B Fluegel, R France, R C Reedy and A Mascarenhas, “Effect of Bi alloying on the hole transport in the dilute bismide alloy GaAs1-xBix”, Phys. Rev. B. 83, 075307 (2011)
  15. R N Kini*, L Bhusal, A J Ptak, R France, and A Mascarenhas. “Electron Hall mobility in GaAsBi”, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 043705 (2009)
  16. R N Kini*, A J Kent, N M Stanton and M Henini, “Phonon-assisted tunneling in a superlattice in an applied magnetic field” Phys. Rev. B 80, 035335 (2009) (EDITORS’ SUGGESTION)
  17. R N Kini*, A Mascarenhas, R France and A J Ptak, “Low temperature photoluminescence from dilute Bismides”, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 113534 (2008)
  18. A Mascarenhas*, R N Kini, Y Zhang, R France and A J Ptak, “Comparison of the dilute Bismide and Nitride alloys GaAsBi and GaAsN”, (INVITED) Phys. Stat. Sol. (B) 246, 504 (2008)
  19. R N Kini*, K Nontapot, G A Khodaparast, R E Welser, and L J Guido, “Time resolved measurements of spin and carrier dynamics in InAs films”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 064318 (2008)
  20. M Frazier, R N Kini, K Nontapot, G A Khodaparast*, T Wojtowicz, X Liu, and J K Furdyna, “Time resolved magneto-optical studies of ferromagnetic InMnSb films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 061911 (2008)
  21. K Nontapot, R N Kini, A Gifford, T R Merritt, G A Khodaparast*, T Wojtowicz, X Liu and J K Furdyna, “Relaxation of Photoinduced Spins and Carriers in Ferromagnetic InMnSb Films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 143109 (2007)
  22. A J Ken*t, R N Kini, N M Stanton, M Henini, B A Glavin, V A Kochelap and T L Linnik, ”Acoustic phonon emission from a weakly-coupled superlattice under vertical electron transport: observation of phonon resonance”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 215504 (2006) This work was reported in The Economist, Physics News Update and Laser Focus World
  23. R N Kini, A J Kent*, N M Stanton and M Henini, “Generation and detection of THz coherent transverse-polarized acoustic phonons by ultrafast optical excitation of GaAs/AlAs superlattices”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 134112 (2006)
  24. R N Kini, A J Kent*, N M Stanton and M Henini, “Angle dependence of the phonon assisted tunnelling in a weakly coupled superlattice – evidence for terahertz phonon amplification”, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 033514 (2005)
  25. N M Stanton, R N Kini, A J Kent*, and M Henini, “Monochromatic transverse-polarized phonons from femtosecond pulsed optical excitation of a GaAs/AlAs superlattice”, Phys. Rev. B 69, 125341 (2004)
  26. R N Kini*, N M Stanton, A J Kent and M Henini, “Electrically pumped terahertz SASER device using a weakly coupled AlAs/GaAs superlattice as the gain medium”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (C) 1, 2682 (2004)
  27. R N Kini, N M Stanton*, A J Kent and M Henini, “Measurements of phonons generated by optical excitation of GaAs, using a superlattice phonon spectrometer", Phys. Stat. Sol. (C) 1, 2783 (2004)
  28. N M Stanton, R N Kini, A J Kent*, and M Henini, “Generation of transverse acoustic phonons in a GaAs/AlAs superlattice by ultrafast optical excitation”, Semicond. Sci. Tech. 19, S270 (2004)
  29. N M Stanton, R N Kini, A J Kent*, M Henini and D Lehmann, “Terahertz phonon optics in GaAs/AlAs superlattice structures” Phys. Rev. B 68, 113302 (2003)
  30. S Angappane, R N Kini, T S Natarajan, G Rangarajan* and B Wessling, “PAni-PMMA blend/metal Schottky barriers”, Thin Solid Films 417, 202 (2002)