Climate Modeling / Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling
- Investigate the impacts of local and regional natural and anthropogenic influences on climate extremes and hydrology by employing the state-of-art climate models.
- Develop or improve climate model physics using in-situ or remote-sensing based observations
- Study warming induced changes on the Indian Summer Monsoon dynamics and hydrologic extremes
Regional Climate Downscaling (Dynamical & Statistical)
- Examine impacts of global warming and climate change on regional and local (watershed-level) hydrology and hydrometeorology
- Employs convection-permitting regional climate models and fully distributed/physically-based hydrology models
Land-Amosphere Interaction Modeling
- Investigate the impacts of land surface biophysical/biochemical/hydrological influences on atmospheric boundary layer dynamics and hydrometeorology.
Hydrology/Hydraulic Modeling