Dr Nagaiah Chamakuri
Associate Professor (Maths)
  +91 (0)471 - 2778260

[34] Vivek S. Yadav, Nishant Ranwan and Nagaiah Chamakuri: Understanding Avascular Tumor Growth and Drug Interactions through Numerical Analysis: A Finite Element Method Approach, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2025.

[33] Maria Robert, Suresh K Nadupuri and Nagaiah Chamakuri, Moreau-Yosida regularization of the optimal control of monodomain model with pointwise state and control constraints, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 457, 2025.

[32] Maria Robert, Suresh K Nadupuri and Nagaiah Chamakuri, Optimality conditions for optimal control of the monodomain model with pointwise control and state constraints,  Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol 202, 605–627, 2024.

[31] Aswin V.S., Manimaran J, Nagaiah Chamakuri, Space-time adaptivity for a multiscale cancer invasion model, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol 146, Pages 309-322, 2023.

[30] Nagaiah Chamakuri, Mostafa Bendahmane, Manimaran J, Optimal sparse boundary control of cardiac defibrillation, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol 74, 2023.

[29] N. Chamakuri and P. Kügler: Parallel space-time adaptive numerical simulation of 3D cardiac electrophysiology, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 173, Pages 295-307, 2022.

[28] Dhanya V, N. Sureshkumar and N. Chamakuri: A posteriori error estimates and an adaptive finite element solution for the system of unsteady convection-diffusion-reaction equations in fluidized beds. Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol  163, 2021.

[27] N. Chamakuri and P. Kügler: A coupled monodomain solver with optimal memory usage for the simulation of cardiac wave propagation,  Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 378, 2020.

[26] Dhanya V, N. Chamakuri, N. Sureshkumar: Discontinuous Galerkin solution of the convection-diffusion-reaction equations in fluidized beds, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol 153, 188-201, 2020.

[25] F. Cosi, W. Giese, W. Neubert, S. Luther, N. Chamakuri, U. Parlitz and M. Falcke: Multi-scale modeling of dyadic structure-function relationships in ventricular cardiac myocytes: from sparks to action potentials, BioPhysical Journal, 2019.

[24] N. Chamakuri: Parallel and space-time adaptivity for the numerical simulation of cardiac action potentials, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 353, 406-417, 2019.

[23] N. Chamakuri, W. Neubert, S. Gilbert, J. Vierheller, G. Warnecke, M. Falcke: Multiscale modeling and numerical simulation of calcium cycling in cardiac myocytes, SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 16-3, pp. 1115-1145, 2018.

[22] M. Bendahmane and N. Chamakuri, Numerical analysis for an optimal control of bidomain-bath model, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol 263(5), 2419-2456, 2017.

[21] N. Chamakuri and K. Kunisch: Primal-dual active set strategy for large scale optimization of cardiac defibrillation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 292, 178-193, 2017.

[20] M. Bendahmane, N. Chamakuri, B. Aïnseba and E. Comte: A 3D boundary optimal control for the bidomain-bath system modeling the thoracic shock therapy for cardiac defibrillation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol 437, 972-998, 2016.

[19] N. Chamakuri, K. Kunisch and G. Plank: PDE constrained optimization of electrical defibrillation in a 3D ventricular slice geometry, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2742, 2015.

[18] J. Vierheller, W. Neubert, M. Falcke, S. Gilbert and N. Chamakuri: A multiscale computational model of spatially resolved calcium cycling in cardiac myocytes : from detailed cleft dynamics to the whole cell concentration profiles, Frontiers in Physiology,6:255. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2015.00255, 2015.

[17] N. Chamakuri, K. Kunisch and G. Plank: Application of optimal control to the cardiac defibrillation problem using a physiological model of cellular dynamics, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol 95:130-139, 2015.

[16] M. Rückle, I. Parker, J.S. Marchant, N. Chamakuri, F. W. Johenning, S. Rüdiger: Modulation of elementary calcium release mediates a transition from puffs to waves in an IP3 R cluster model, PLOS Computational Biology, Vol 11(1), 2015, (The Faculty of 1000 evaluated this article as "Must-Read").

[15] N. Chamakuri, C. Engwer, K. Kunisch: Boundary control of bidomain equations with state dependent switching source functions in the ionic model, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol 273, pages 227-242, 2014.

[14] S. Götschel, N. Chamakuri, K. Kunisch, M. Weiser: Lossy Compression in Optimal Control of Cardiac Defibrillation, Journal of Scientific Computing, 60(1), page 35-59, 2014.

[13] N. Chamakuri, K. Kunisch and G. Plank: On Boundary Stimulation and Optimal Boundary Control of the Bidomain Equations, Mathematical Biosciences, 245(2): 206-215, 2013.

[12] N. Chamakuri, K. Kunisch and G. Plank: Optimal control approach to termination of re-entry waves in cardiac electrophysiology, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 67(2):359-388, 2013.

[11] N. Chamakuri, N. Suresh Kumar, A Bück and G. Warnekce: Parallel and higher order time stepping methods for heat and mass transfer in fluidized beds, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol 52C, pp. 122-133, 2013.

[10] N. Chamakuri, S. Rüdiger: Whole-cell simulations of hybrid stochastic and deterministic calcium dynamics in 3D geometry, Journal of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences, 3(1-2):3-18, 2012.

[9] N. Chamakuri, S. Rüdiger, G. Warnecke and M. Falcke: Adaptive space and time hybrid simulations of reaction-diffusion systems in intracellular calcium dynamics. Applied Mathematics and Computations, 218, 10194-10210, 2012.

[8] K. Kunisch, N. Chamakuri and M. Wagner: A parallel Newton-Krylov method for optimal control of the monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology, Computational Visualization and Science, Volume 14, Issue 6, pp 257-269, 2011.

[7] N. Chamakuri and K. Kunisch: Higher order optimization and adaptive numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain equations in cardiac electrophysiology, Applied Numerical Mathematics, volume 61(1), pages 53-65, 2011.

[6] N. Chamakuri, K. Kunisch, G. Plank: Numerical solution for optimal control of the reaction-diffusion equations in cardiac electrophysiology. Computational Optimization and Applications, volume 49, 149-178, 2011.

[5] S. Rüdiger, N. Chamakuri, G. Warnecke , J. W. Shuai, Effects of clustering and buffers on Ca2+ release through IP3 receptors. Biophysical Journal, volume 99(1), 3-12, 2010.

[4] N. Chamakuri, G. Warnecke, S. Heinrich and M. Peglow: Three-dimensional numerical study of heat and mass transfer in fluidized beds with spray nozzle, Computers & Chemical Engineering 32:2877-2890, 2008.

[3] N. Chamakuri, S. Rüdiger, G. Warnecke and M. Falcke: Adaptive Numerical solution of intracellular calcium dynamics using domain decomposition methods, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 58(11):1658-1674, 2008.

[2] S. Rüdiger, J. W. Shuai, W. Huisinga, N. Chamakuri, G. Warnecke, I. Parker and M. Falcke: Hybrid stochastic and deterministic simulations of calcium blips. Biophy. Journal 93:1847-1857, 2007.

[1] N. Chamakuri, G. Warnecke, S. Heinrich and M. Peglow: Numerical simulation of temperature and concentration distributions in fluidized beds with liquid injection. Chem. Eng. Sci., 62:1567-1590, 2007.


Conference Proceedings

[7] N. Chamakuri, C. Engwer, K. Kunisch, G. Plank: Boundary control of bidomain equations with state dependent switching source functions in ionic model, CMBE-13 proceedings, Hong-Kong 303-306, 2013.

[6] N. Chamakuri, K. Kunisch, G. Plank: Numerical solutions for optimal control of monodomain equations in cardiac electrophysiology, Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering, Springer Berlin Heidelberg 409-418, 2010.

[5] N. Chamakuri, K. Kunisch, G. Plank: Second order numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology. proceedings of ALGORITMY’09, Podbanske, Slovakia, pp. 202-211, ISBN 978-80-227-3032-7, 2009.

[4] N. Chamakuri, S. Rüdiger, G. Warnecke and M. Falcke: Adaptive numerical simulation of intracellular calcium dynamics. Proceedings of ICIAM, PAMM, 7(1):2010029-2010030, 2008.

[3] N. Chamakuri, S. Rüdiger, G. Warnecke and M. Falcke: Parallel Numerical Solution of Intracellular Calcium Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVII, 60(3):607-614, 2008.

[2] N. Chamakuri, G. Warnecke, S. Heinrich and M. Peglow: Numerical Computation of Heat and Mass Transfer in Fluidized Beds with Liquid Injection. PAMM, 6(1):753-754, 2006.

[1] N. Chamakuri, G. Warnecke, S. Heinrich and M. Peglow: Numerical computation of heat and mass transfer in fluidized beds with spray injection. Workshop proceedings of Micro-Macro Interactions in Structured Media and Particle Systems, pp:44-50, 2004.