Igneous Petrology, Geochemistry, and Mineralogy
Application of stable isotopes in estuarine and marine systems, Ocean biogeochemistry, Estuarine pollution and ecology, Nitrogen and carbon cycle, Cell-specific analysis of metabolic rates in the phytoplankton communities.
Paleoclimatology, Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Extreme weather events, Ocean, land and atmosphere interactions
Fate and Transport of Contaminants in Aquifers, Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions, Isotope Geochemistry in Tracing Contamination Sources
Atmospheric optics, Aerosols, Optical turbulence, Atmospheric boundary layer, Free-Space Optical communication
Atmospheric dynamics, Atmospheric radiative transfer, Middle atmospheric chemistry and composition
Climate Modeling, Climate Downscaling, Hydrometeorology, Climate Change, Land Surface Hydrology, Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Agriculture Water Management
Structural Geology, Rheology, High-Pressure and High-Temperature Rock Deformation, Experimental Flow Laws and Deformation Mechanisms, Material Characterization, Tectonophysics.
South Asian Monsoon, Tropical Synoptic Scale Systems, Climate Change and Future Projections, Extreme Events, Dynamical Downscaling