Prof P Devaraj
Professor (Maths)
  +91 (0)471 - 2778145

Publications in  Mathematics Journals:

39. S. Arati, P. Devaraj and Shankadeep Mondal, Optimal dual pairs of frames for erasures, To appear in  Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2025.

38. Himanshi Bansal,  P. Devaraj and S. Arati, Characterizations of weak R-duality and its application to Gabor frames, To appear in Results in Mathematics, 2025

37. S. Arati and  P. Devaraj, On Riesz duals for Gabor systems on LCA groups,  Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, 2024

36. S. Arati, P. Devaraj and Shankhadeep Mondal, Optimal dual frames and dual pairs for probability modelled erasures,  Advances in Operator Theory, 2024.

35. P. Devaraj and Shankhadeep Mondal, Spectrally optimal dual frames for erasures,   Proceedings-Mathematical Sciences (2023).

34. P Devaraj, AK Garg, Average sampling expansions from regular and irregular samples over shift-invariant subspaces on LCA groups, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 17 (1), 1-25, (2023)

33. P. Devaraj, Ankush Kumar Garg and S. Yugesh, Average and convolution sampling over shift-invariant spaces, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 20, 1 - 16 (2022)

32. Sathish Kumar, Prashant Kumar, and P. Devaraj, Approximation of discontinuous functions by Kantorovich exponential sampling series, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 73, 1 - 21 (2022)

31. SK Angamuthu, P Kumar, P. Devaraj, Approximation of discontinuous signals by exponential sampling series, Results in Mathematics ,77, 1-22  (2022)

30. Ankush Kumar Garg, P. Devaraj and S. Arati ,Random average sampling and reconstruction in shift-invariant subspaces of mixed Lebesgue spaces, Results in Mathematics, 77, 1-38, (2022)

29.  P. Devaraj, P. Massopust  and S. Yugesh, Local average sampling and reconstruction with fundamental splines of fractional order, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 40 (10), 1215-1229(2019).

28. SK.  Angamuthu and P. Devaraj, Approximation by generalized bivariate Kantorovich sampling type series, The Journal of Analysis 27 (2), 429-449(2019).

27. P. Devaraj, Certain remarks on functional equations of convolution types, The Journal of Analysis 27 (1), 233-239(2019).

26. S. Yugesh and  P. Devaraj, Generalized average sampling and reconstruction for wavelet subspaces, The Journal of Analysis 26 (2), 333-342(2018).

25.   P. Devaraj, On reconstruction from discrete local moving averages on locally compact abelian groups, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 464 (2), 1119-1126(2018).

24. P. Devaraj and  S Yugesh,  A local weighted average sampling and reconstruction theorem over shift-invariant subspaces, Results in Mathematics 71 (1-2), 319-332(2017).

23. M Daba and  P. Devaraj,  Unsteady double diffusive mixed convection flow over a vertically stretching sheet in the presence of suction/injection, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 58 (2), 232-243(2017).

22. S.  Yugesh and P. Devaraj, Reconstruction of Bivariate Cardinal Splines of Polynomial Growth From Their Local Average Samples, Applied Mathematics E-Notes 17, 47-57 (2017).

21. M Daba and  P. Devaraj, Unsteady hydromagnetic chemically reacting mixed convection flow over a permeable stretching surface with slip and thermal radiation, Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society 35 (1), 245-256(2016).

20. M Daba, P. Devaraj, Unsteady boundary layer flow of a nanofluid over a stretching sheet with variable fluid properties in the presence of thermal radiation, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 23 (3), 403-413(2016).

19. P. Devaraj and S. Yugesh, Reconstruction of L-splines of polynomial growth from their local weighted average samples, Applied Mathematics and Computation 273, 1018-1024(2016).

18. P. Devaraj and S. Yugesh, On the zeros of the generalized Euler–Frobenius Laurent polynomial and reconstruction of cardinal splines of polynomial growth from local average samples, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and  Applications 432 (2), 983-993(2015).

17. M Daba, P Devaraj and  SV Subhashini, Mixed convection boundary layer flow over a vertically stretching sheet with convective boundary condition and effect of partial slip, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT) 6 (1) (2015).

16. P. Devaraj and  S Yugesh, Existence and uniqueness of spline reconstruction from local weighted average samples, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 63 (1), 97-108(2014).

15. P. Devaraj, Some Remarks on Reconstruction  from  local weighted Averages, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 44(3) 217-226(2013).

14. P Devaraj, Reconstruction of continuous functions from locally uniform weighted averages, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 390 (1), 407-417(2012).

13. P Devaraj, Reconstruction from local discrete averages on the plane, Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 373 (1), 13-19(2011).

12. P Devaraj, Reconstruction from local averages involving discrete measures, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 59 (2), 261-266(2010).

11. P Devaraj,  I K Rana, Vector-valued mean-periodic functions on groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 72 (3), 363-388(2002).

 Publications in Computer Science Journals:

10. MK Sandhya, K. Murugan and P. Devaraj, False data detection and dynamic selection of aggregator nodes with pair-wise key establishment in homogeneous wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence      Paradigms 10 (1-2), 83-102 (2018).

9. P. Devaraj and  K Chandranbabu, Crypt analysis of an image compression–encryption algorithm and a modified scheme using compressive sensing,Optik -International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 147, 263-276(2017).

8. P Devaraj and  C Kavitha An image encryption scheme using dynamic S-boxes, Nonlinear Dynamics 86 (2), 927-940(2016).

7. P. Devaraj, K Chandranbabu,  Security analysis of an image encryption algorithm based on paired interpermuting planes and a modified scheme, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 127 (19), 8111-8123(2016).

6. P. Devaraj and K Chandranbabu, Crypt analysis of an image encryption algorithm and an enhanced scheme, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 127 (1), 192-199 (2016).

5. MK Sandhya, K Murugan, P Devaraj, Selection of aggregator nodes and elimination of false data in wireless sensor networks,Wireless Networks 21 (4), 1327-1341(2015).

4. MK Sandhya, K Murugan, P Devaraj, False data elimination in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks using location-based selection of aggregator nodes, IETE Journal of Research 60 (2), 145-155(2014).

3. IS Sam, P Devaraj, RS Bhuvaneswaran, An efficient quasigroup based image encryption using modified nonlinear chaotic maps, Sensing and Imaging 15 (1), 92(2014).

2. IS Sam, P Devaraj, RS Bhuvaneswaran, An intertwining chaotic maps based image encryption scheme, Nonlinear Dynamics, 69 (4), 1995-2007(2012).

1. IS Sam, P Devaraj, RS Bhuvaneswaran, A novel image cipher based on mixed transformed logistic maps, Multimedia tools and applications, 56 (2), 315-330(2012).


Book Chapters/Conference Proceedings Papers:

  1.  LJT Doss, AP Nandini and  P Devaraj, Mixed qualocation method for fourth order two-point boundary value problems, AIP Conference Proceedings 1830 (1), 020027 (2017).
  2. C Kavitha and P. Devaraj, An Enhanced Image Watermarking Scheme Using Blocks with Homogeneous Feature Distribution, Advances in Intelligent System and Computing, 412, 77-87 (2015)(Springer-Verlag).
  3. P Devaraj and  S Yugesh, Reconstruction of Multiply Generated Splines from Local Average Samples, Mathematical Analysis and its Applications,143, 63-72 (2015)(Springer-Verlag).
  4. P Devaraj, C Kavitha, A Coupled Chaos Based Image Encryption Scheme Using Bit Level Diffusion, Communications in Computer and Information Sciences, 536, 238-246(2015)(Springer-Verlag).
  5. P Devaraj, S Yugesh, A Remark on Reconstruction of Splines from Their Local Weighted Average Samples, Fractals, Wavelets, and their Applications, 143, 341-348(2014)(Springer-Verlag).
  6. IS Sam, P Devaraj, RS Bhuvaneswaran, Chaos based image encryption scheme based on enhanced logistic map, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6536, 290-300(2011)(Springer-Verlag).
  7. IS Sam, P Devaraj, RS Bhuvaneswaran, Transformed logistic block cipher scheme for image encryption, Communications in Computer Information Science, 132, 70-78 (2011)(Springer-Verlag).
  8. P Devaraj, Dynamic substitution and diffusion based image encryption using modified logistic map, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7135, 593-601(2011)(Springer-Verlag).
  9. P Devaraj, A New Image Cipher Using Chaotically Twisted Maps, Communications in Computer Information Science, 250, 239-248(2011)(Springer-Verlag).
  10. IS Sam, P Devaraj, RS Bhuvaneswaran, Efficient Substitution-Diffusion Based Image Cipher Using Modified Chaotic Map, Communications in Computer Information Science, 131,278-287(2011)(Springer-Verlag).
  11. IS Sam, P Devaraj, RS Bhuvaneswaran, Enhanced substitution-diffusion based image cipher using improved chaotic map, Communications in Computer Information Science, 101, 116-123 (2010)(Springer-Verlag).