Listing Events 576 - 600 of 871

title Event Date
GaN Nanorods Colloquiums 08-11-2010
Can You Hear The Shape of a Drum? A Revisit Colloquiums 21-10-2010
String Theory and The Superworld Colloquiums 24-09-2010
Harmony of Metals and Polymers: Fabrication of Nanocomposites and their Applications Colloquiums 03-09-2010
Organic Synthesis: Excitement, Challenges and Introspection Colloquiums 27-08-2010
Equations defining varieties Colloquiums 10-08-2010
Curvature and Topology of Surfaces Colloquiums 30-04-2010
Glimpses Into Classical Indian Art Colloquiums 16-04-2010
Evolution and Social behaviour Colloquiums 12-03-2010
One Hundred Years of Superconductivity Colloquiums 25-02-2010
Rings and Cages from Phosphaalkynes Colloquiums 09-02-2010
Bare Metal Clusters: Spherical Aromaticity and Flattened Deltahedra Colloquiums 14-01-2010
Can you hear the shape of a drum? A re-visit Colloquiums 21-10-2008
An Invitation to Biophysical Chemistry Colloquiums 20-08-2009
Protein Synthesis – Mechanisms Colloquiums 28-02-2009
The Strange Quantum World! Colloquiums 14-02-2009
Dark Energy: The Challenge of the Millennium Colloquiums 08-11-2008
Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Polymers - A unique class of polymers Colloquiums 19-09-2008
Molecular Machines in Biology Colloquiums 29-08-2008
Telomerase the central regulator of all of the hall marks of cancer Seminars 26-08-2014
On the string equation of Narasimha Seminars 21-08-2014
How Cantor discovered set theory and topology Seminars 03-04-2014
Ultrafast meets ultrasmall: Few-femtosecond IR and EUV pulses probe collective dynamics in nanoscale plasmon and superfluid systems. Seminars 21-03-2014
Magnetically Disordered Interfaces in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions Seminars 03-03-2014