Listing Events 301 - 325 of 864

title Event Date
Atoms and Molecules in a Confined Environment Colloquiums 23-02-2018
Drosophila genetic models for cancer gene discover Colloquiums 05-01-2018
Precise Chemical, Physical, and Electronic Nanoscale Contacts Colloquiums 05-12-2017
Symmetry and asymmetry of cytoskeletal networks in control of cell and tissue development Colloquiums 10-11-2017
The mathematics of India -- from counting to calculus Colloquiums 27-10-2017
International Symposium of Advanced Functional Materials Conferences 12-07-2018
ICCB 2018 Conferences 03-02-2018
ICREEE Bee meeting - 2018 Conferences 23-03-2018
The EMBO Practical Course "Cryo Electron Microscopy and 3D Image Processing" (CEM3DIP 2018) : of Macromolecular Assemblies and Cellular Tomography Conferences 29-03-2018
Two Flies on an Island: Speciation in African Drosophila Seminars 30-12-2017
Ways of knowing: Science versus everything else Seminars 29-12-2017
Three Reactions and Nano Colloquiums 31-05-2017
Metal-Coordinated Ligand Radicals. Molecular and Electronic Structure, and Reactivity Colloquiums 08-09-2017
Records of Primordial Gravitational Waves in the Cosmic Microwave Background: Status, Challenges and Prospects for present and future CMB experiments Colloquiums 06-10-2017
The language of science and technology. The relationships between “know why”, “know how” and natural sciences Colloquiums 13-10-2017
Brill-Noether loci over very general quintic hypersurface Seminars 12-10-2017
Convergence of the Reach for a Sequence of Random Manifolds Seminars 05-10-2017
q-deformed Araki-Woods von Neumann algebra Seminars 22-09-2017
Determinants of representations of Correr groups Seminars 20-09-2017
Don't forget your alimentary Escherichia coli Colloquiums 18-08-2017
What is the Hodge Conjecture? Seminars 01-09-2017
Manipulating Atoms and a Lot More in our own Backyards Colloquiums 01-09-2017
Cryo-EM: A new tool for molecular medicine Colloquiums 25-08-2017
Two Scale Convergence Seminars 24-08-2017
Workshops on Writing Science Workshops 18-09-2017